Thursday, February 25, 2010

4 a.m. Project

I saw a link to the 4am Project on Twitter, and I think I might participate this year.

The idea is to take a photo at 4 a.m. on April 4th --- a "share what your 4 a.m. looks like" kind of thing.

It looks kind of fun, and I already have an idea about what my photo could be of. Though, funnily enough, April 4th is Easter this year, so we might be out of town since we'll have a day off. I might have to come up with a couple of alternative plans...


  1. it's a lotta fun - I took part in it last year, and I'll be doing it again this year.

    can't wait to see what you come back with!

  2. Matt, you are the mystery source, ha! I should have linked to you.

    I liked your shot a lot. I am envisioning something in the middle of the overpass that my neighborhood has over the interstate. Street lights. Dunno. If we're out of town, I'll have to rethink the whole thing!

  3. the interstate shot would look very cool! Someone on my blog suggested a bakery as the folks are usually there that early in the morning to do make their product. I may try that...
