Thursday, February 18, 2010

Newfound Lightroom skills

So, I'm posting one of the photos from my last post after some additional post-processing. I got some really good tips from the people in the Retouching forum on I am really excited to be learning more about the program. I know it can give me great abilities -- I just haven't taken the time to really try things out. This photo gave me a good reason to.

So, here's my new edited version. One other thing I'd really like to do to finish it off would be to run it through some dedicated noise reduction software, but I don't have any of those programs (Noise Ninja, etc.). Ah, well.

I actually used the Mask tool to brighten the man's face and darken the plate on the wall right behind his head. I used Lightroom's noise reduction, but the beta only lets you do color and edge detail NR, not luminescence NR. I made the colors a cooler blue-ish tint. I could have lightened the photo more, but I like the shadows on the right side contrasting against the bright neon lights on the left.

If I have time this weekend, I would love to take some old photos and run them back through Lightroom to see if I can do better.

1 comment:

  1. Good that you carry out your passion and you want to learn. I envy you that. I don't know on photography but I like your photos. I hope that you find time and come up with my blog;) You can use google trlanslator.
    Greetings from Poland:)
